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    • 明日之争正片
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    This is the sequel to Apocolypse. In this movie Thorold Stone is still looking for his family. The Christians, whom the rest of the world has started to call The Haters, are being framed for many murders and terrorist acts. Thorold and his partner go to investigate the location of the detonator of one of these acts. They find a group of Christians holding a service. He arrests them and one of them hands him a disk from O.N.E. , One Nation Earth. He finds men in the building who aren't Christians. They chase them around and one of them is killed. Then he meets with Mr. Parker who works for Franco Malacousso. Parker shoots them both but Thorold doesn't die. He is then framed for the shooting of his partner and he goes to a computer programmer with the disk. Virtual Reality is used to bring the Day of Wonders to fruition. There is something odd about the cd that the woman gave Thorold because the programmer can't get access to it and they take it to the Christians headquarters. Further things develop and throughout the film there are repeated attempts to convert Thorold to Christianity. It isn't until he meets up with the Anti-Christ that he makes up his mind one way or the other. When they find out what the day of wonders is they try to destroy the program that will run it. Y


    • 5.0 HD 陷阱边沿粤语 万梓良,钱小豪,岑建勋,陈玉莲,罗烈,何家驹,冯克安,恬妮
    • 4.0 HD 家有杰克 罗宾·威廉姆斯,戴安·琳恩,布莱恩·科尔文,詹妮弗·洛佩兹,比尔·考斯比,法兰·德瑞雪,亚当·佐罗汀,Todd,Bosley,马里奥·伊迪迪亚,杰里米·莱略特,朱尼·斯莫利特,迈克尔·麦基恩,唐·诺韦洛,艾伦·瑞奇,基内·扬,Irwin,Corey,Al,Nalbandian,德怀特·希克斯,Sam,Ritzenberg,Ashlee,Lauren,马克·科波拉,特伦斯·麦克格文,Pete,Escovedo,Juan,Escovedo,Peter,Michael,Escovedo,Michael,Madl
    • 5.0 HD 法网边缘 约翰·特拉沃尔塔,罗伯特·杜瓦尔,托尼·夏尔赫布,威廉姆·H·梅西,约翰·利思戈
    • 9.0 HD 发胶明星梦现场版 哈维·费斯特恩,爱莉安娜·格兰德,克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯,戴瑞克·浩夫
    • 9.0 HD THE CODE/暗号 尾上菊之助,稻森泉,松冈俊介,斋藤洋介,郑龙进,宍户锭,松方弘树,佐野史郎,柏原收史,宫迫博之,坂井真纪,成宫宽贵,贯地谷栞,绫田俊树,柳原晴郎,Hayato,Fujiki,吹越满,Kenta,Harada,Noriko,Hikasa,萤雪次朗
    • 5.0 HD 上帝的孩子 Akah,Nnani,Osas,Ighodaro,Atlanta,Bridget,Johnson
    • 4.0 HD 史前巨鳄2国语 Robert,Blush,Chad,Collins,Andrea,Enright
    • 6.0 HD 讨厌的女人国语 吉田羊,木村佳乃,古川雄大,袴田吉彦,拉沙尔石井,黑木瞳,永岛映子,织本顺吉,佐佐木希,高田敏江,田中丽奈,寺田农
    • 4.0 HD 碧海蓝天国语 让-马克·巴尔,让·雷诺,罗姗娜·阿奎特,保罗·希纳尔,赛尔乔·卡斯特利托,让·布伊兹,马克·迪莱特,格里芬·邓恩,安德烈亚斯·武齐纳斯,瓦伦提娜·瓦格斯,金伯莉·贝克,Patrick,Fontana,杰弗里·凯里,皮尔·塞姆勒,弗兰科·第欧根尼,保罗·赫尔曼,吕克·贝松,克里斯蒂安·加奇奥
    • 4.0 HD 恶魔:为邪恶 A.,Murat,?zgen,Irmak,?rnek,El?in,Atamgü?,Sultan,K?ro?lu,K?l??
    • 5.0 HD 嫁衣 于莉,姚刚,许多
    • 5.0 HD 我和连长 江柯,范明


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